Friday, November 14, 2014

Reading Growth

Students continue to work on their reading skills.  All of them are increasing their fluency--at the level they are at.  Beginning after the Winter Break, the reading classes will be more focused on areas where the students are having more inidividual difficulty.  Many are learning to "chunk" their letters into words--and that comes from learning more about syllables--learning the sounds consonant letters and vowels make when they are teamed up together.  Of course, there are many kinds of syllables, and students are learning how letters put together make different sounds.  This ultimately helps with their fluency--or speed at which they read.  Comprehension is a huge skill all of the students need to work on.  So, please read daily with your students for at least 30 minutes.  If you are not reading to them, please provide the 30 minutes of time for them to do personal reading. As always, your partnership in helping your child to read is always appreciated!

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